I'm Howard Song
Web Developer / Data Scientist
- Location Las Vegas, Nevada
- Email rhapsodyofgreen@gmail.com
- Phone (702) 490-8616
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/howardsong/
Who Is This Guy?
Data scientist by day. Web developer by night. Wannabe entrepreneur. Semi-competent swimmer. Active basketball player. Terrible Spanish speaker. Collector of cool ideas. Avid life-long learner. Awkward dance expert. Self-professed nice guy. Proud dog dad of a little doggie princess.
In summary, these are some things I do:
- data/statistical analysis & visualization
- machine learning & predictive modeling
- process automation (e.g. report automation, scheduled data processing, etc.)
- building web applications & APIs
- building ETL pipelines
I use technology and my analytical abilities to solve real-world problems. Maybe it's determining the optimal pricing of merchandise to maximize sales. Maybe it's creating an interal software/application for business managers to monitor the sales performance of their products. Maybe it's automating compilations of tedious and time-consuming reports on a timed schedule. Or maybe it's building an anomaly detection system that periodically scans the database to check for anomalies. Whatever it is, I will own it and deliver.
My analytic acumen, combined with my technical ability to develop software applications, allows me to not just simply analyze, but also create data-driven products that others can easily consume and operate. Depending on what I'm tasked with, I can jump from being a data scientist, data engineer, or web developer.
And the best part? I love doing it. I think each problem is a puzzle to solve, and I love challenges that forces me to think critically and come up with creative solutions.
Now, I believe the world is in danger. Let's go save the world!
Contact Me
- Location Las Vegas, Nevada
- Website www.HowardSong.com
- LinkedIn www.LinkedIn.com/in/howardsong/
- Phone (702) 490-8616
- Email rhapsodyofgreen@gmail.com